LinkedinLead Generation Agency

  • By Humans
  • For Humans

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LinkedinLead Generation Agency

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They trust us :

Discover HelpIn, a Linkedin lead generation agency like no other.

Why not like the others? Because we specialize in generating leads on LinkedIn without automation here but with quality human made direct marketing.

100% Human

Lead Generation

We ultra-personalize conversations on LinkedIn for better results


on Results

Our pricing reflects the results you get thanks to our services

No Long Term


Our prospecting is guaranteed without 1 year contracts

We’ve Generated Sales Calls up to the Fortune 500 Companies
  • 0% automated, 100% human
  • 100% Pay on Results
  • No Long Term Contract

Our human appointment lead generation methodology

By joining our prospecting offer, you will save time and money rather than having to hire a salesperson, while benefiting from 3 years of Linkedin prospecting expertise from our linkedin b2b lead generation agency.
  • Precise targeting
  • Statistics Driven Campaigns
  • Efficient management thanks to our CRM
  • Manual Data Collection (email & telephone)

    We send personalized messages

    We write and send personalized messages to defined to your prospects.

    We Converse with them

    We remain on standby to respond to prospects and book a meeting with them.

    You receive booked calls via email

    You receive an email when an appointment is made, you only have to close the sale.

    Retargeting via Linkedin & emails

    The prospects not answering at first will be contacted again on Linkedin & via emails

    Generate qualified leads on LinkedIn

    Our expertise is prospecting potential clients on LinkedIn. Our prospecting team is well trained to send cold prospecting messages on LinkedIn to generate business calls.

    Targeting and using the ultra-personalization of messages is essential for us. We don’t just change the person’s first name, as some lead generation tools offer. We take it a step further by personalizing our messages to get prospects thinking, “Great! They took the time to look at our activity before sending us a message with commercial offer, so it must be an interesting and useful offer for us.”.

    We also do A/B/C testing to determine the right strategy, scripts and scenarios that work best.

    This approach is crucial for developing a substantial customer portfolio while maintaining your brand image, because obtaining sales appointments is the first key step in your notoriety.

    Why choose Linkedin for lead generation?

    Of all the digital acquisition channels, LinkedIn is widely regarded as one of the best ways to prospect decision makers and find new clients.

    It is important to include it in your marketing strategy and your customer acquisition because it is a real generator of qualified leads.

    Prospecting messages sent on LinkedIn are not likely to fall into the spam box, unlike e-mailing campaigns which often have this problem.

    Indeed, Linkedin takes care of distributing your prospecting message on several channels: in the Linkedin messaging chat, by email, in the mobile application and sends reminders in Linkedin notifications for messages to which prospects have not responded (or forgot to answer).

    The results speak for themselves: our average response rate is around 40% and our appointment conversion rate is 11% (depending on the sector of activity, the targets targeted, etc.). These are exceptional performances for sales in digital marketing and prospecting on social networks.

    Linkedin Lead Generation

    According to a study conducted by marketing experts and validated by Linkedin, Linkedin is the source of more than 80% of B2B leads generated on all social networks.

    And it’s really not surprising when you know that:

    In 2015, Linkedin already had 364 million users. By 2020, the number had risen to 675 million, almost double. And in 2023, Linkedin has more than 900 million registered users on its platform. Linkedin will soon pass the billion registered users!

    More than Linkedin !

    During our digital prospecting work, we strive to fill our CRM as exhaustively as possible. We manually collect the contact details (e-mails and telephone numbers) of your prospects to allow us to prospect via emails and for you to start a cold-calling campaign. A complete multi-channel communication strategy.

    Likewise, we show you in the CRM where each potential customer is in the prospecting funnel, also called the conversion funnel. Did the prospect respond on Linkedin, did the prospect say he was interested or did the prospect ask not to be contacted again in the future. This information is important to generate leads in the future with lead nurturing.

    By combining our prospecting on Linkedin with emailing campaigns and with telemarketing you will obtain an optimal result. Our commercial assistance is very comprehensive and lays the foundations for multi-channel prospecting using all acquisition levers.

    The Guarantees of our Linkedin Lead Generation Agency

    • No automation

    Our commercial action does not use any prospecting software. All the work we do is 100% human work. And in the era of digital and all internet, we believe that giving back to the human touch is more than important rather than always pushing towards marketing automation, these are interesting tools but limited marketing tools for they lack the human aspect necessary sales. Sending relevant lead generation messages when prospecting is key to a successful campaign.

    • Pay on Results

    For us, the customer relationship must be win-win. That’s why our offers offer different pricing models to match all companies and their marketing budgets, but also to allow you to choose the one offering you the best return on investment.

    • Without Commitment of duration

    All our commercial prospecting campaigns are without commitment of duration. We rely on our process and results to build your loyalty with our B2B linkedin lead generation agency.

    In other words, prospecting with HelpIn is a bit like having a sales representative dedicated to driving LinkedIn lead generation, without having to make a long-term commitment with an employee or a web agency. You now know more about our Linkedin lead generation agency and our digital strategy.

    To Conclude

    Our commercial audit is intended for all people who wish to develop their business, whether you are a business developer, sales manager, business development manager, sales manager, sales and marketing director, business manager, etc.

    We will be able to advise you and determine whether our Linkedin lead generation agency can help you increase your income or not. If not, we’ll suggest the digital marketing strategy we think is best suited for your business.

    Outsourcing your lead generation to a lead generation marketing agency can also be very beneficial to your company’s finances, avoiding the need to recruit an employee for your internet marketing.

    Ready to conquer new challenges? Contact us now by clicking here.

    We are ready to support you in your digital communication.


    How do you ensure the commercial follow-up of all prospected leads?

    We use our in-house CRM, specifically created for prospecting, to know where leads are in the sales process. If it is time to follow up with them, if they have already made an appointment, if they do not wish to be contacted again, etc.

    Tracking the path to purchase of each lead is essential in order to convert them into an appointment.

    Can you handle training my company's sales reps on Linkedin lead generation?

    We offer training for salespeople and entrepreneurs, where we examine your strengths and weaknesses (SWOT analysis) on LinkedIn, and help you achieve your goals. We also offer mentoring on LinkedIn for experienced salespeople. No matter your current level on LinkedIn, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

    Is marketing on Linkedin only done to attract large btob accounts?

    We can support you in the growth of your client portfolio, whether small and medium-sized enterprises (VSEs and SMEs) or large accounts.

    Our prospecting can be adapted to your target to achieve your objectives even if we mainly are a linkedin b to b lead generation agency.

    How is your follow-up service going? Is there a dashboard to see your progress?

    Before starting our prospecting actions, we ask for your approval of the scripts and the strategy. Thereafter, we keep you informed of the progress of our work through video reports and regular emails. You will have access to our CRM regularly and appointments will be sent directly to your email inbox.

    In addition, we have monitoring and statistical tools that allow us to adjust our prospecting according to the results obtained in the field.

    Can your lead generation service be used on an already existing customer base?

    Yes, we can implement a loyalty campaign if that is what fits your business goals and business strategy.

    Where is your lead generation team located? Is it based in Europe?

    Our team is composed of: 

    • Jérémy, the founder of HelpIn. He grew up in Lower Normandy, near Caen in the French countryside, studied in preparatory school and at Sciences Po, before moving abroad.

    • Marion, our prospecting officer who is based in Andorra, in the heart of the Pyrenees, because she loves to ski there.

    • Tristan is our profile optimization and prospecting assistant, he is based in France, in Brittany in Morbihan with his small family.

    • Rémi, our Linkedin Advertising manager who worked for 2 years at Linkedin. He is also a digital nomad who is currently in Asia.

    And here is for our French-speaking team. We sometimes call on other assistants, but on a much more ad hoc basis, to meet demand. We like to keep a small team, on a human scale to maintain quality.

    It’s naturally a different team for lead generation in the English-speaking market, to match the Canadian and American time zones. Prospecting customers abroad with our lead generation company is therefore possible. We can work on all English speaking markets in Europe and with compatible time zones. You can effectively use our service as Linkedin lead generation agency UK.

    How does the start of a Linkedin lead generation campaign go?

    Once our collaboration has been formalized, you will receive a questionnaire to complete which allows us to collect most of the information necessary for the preparation of the campaign.

    Then we make an appointment with you to discuss the campaign-specific strategy, think about the texts we are going to use and if possible, find reinforcements for your offer to make it easier to sell.

    We then launch the campaign and take care of everything as we are a done for you linkedin lead generating agency.